Friday, April 3, 2009

What do you want !?!

'Wants' and 'needs' arguably are factors that makes the world the way it is now and dictates on things to follow!!

"What do you want" is a question you would come across everywhere sometimes in explicit terms and sometimes implicit.

When posed with this question, you would probably have list of things to speak out.
If from the list, if the question is given a twist and instead asked as
"Is this really want you want", I think response would be a thoughtful stare.
This is because this question now tries to stir up your conscience and shake it up a little and get the true answer on what you really WANT.

Well, if this sounds complicated, let me give you an example:
(One problem with IT folks is our examples also revolve around IT.Still let me continue)
As a project manager, I often have my team-mates expressing their desire and "want" to go on a overseas trip on official assignment(in IT lingo..the Onsite opportunity)
While going Onsite appears to be the want, the real want may vary from person to person. This variation depends on multiple factors some including, environment of growing up, socio-cultural and economic factors, ambitions and goals they have for themselves to name a few.
So, for the same want of Onsite, some may want to earn more money(onsite pay seems to be on higher side than offshore salaries), some may want to go just for the fun of having a different atmosphere, seeing new places. Some may want for different kind of exposure, experience, some may want to go because of peer pressure while some purely because thats the way its supposed to be!!
So, assume a person wants to go onsite to earn quick money, and wants to go onsite, ask him/her "if going onsite is really what he/she wants in life"?(the answer now may vary from being yes to a 'thought' to probably any other variation like the exact need of going onsite that is to earn money )

Well after the long example, let me assume am able to somewhat convey what am trying to say.
Every "want" has multiple flavours to it and what one really wants is what drives people.
Thats the reason after some "wants" are met, humans crave for other "wants" just because "That was not really what they wanted"!!

Its very important for every person to know and realise on what they really want and work towards it. This would ensure the energies are channelised in right direction and we know when to celebrate meeting of some wants (which could be treated as some milestones in achieving the goal) and dont get really upset of not getting some irrelevant 'wants' met.

So, think what you REALLY want and not just what you want. Then WORK Towards it!!!!

Well, it should be obvious that what you really want are few items and not a long laundary list of wants!!

1 comment:

  1. i differ from this view.

    It's only 'wants' that drives human to new heights n horizons.

    The clarity of what we really want will grow with time. so there's nothing called single just grows\manifests.

    An aspiring software engineer dreams\wants to be in the best company, till he joins that best company he'll stretch himself to core, after he got there do u think he'll be content. definitely no, he wants to grow he'll spend time for this, the single 'want' gets manifested and that forms the basis of life.

    Wants drives this world and if it was not there then we would still be in stone age and probably u'll 'carve this blog' in some cave and i'll carve my comments below it ;)
